If you are interested in learning more about how to use custom docks and lifts, consider some tips from experienced people in the field. Many times, vertical lifts come in different sizes that hold smaller or larger capacities of equipment. If you are purchasing a custom dock or lift, consider finding a company that uses the most up-to-date materials and technology to create your product.
When buying a new custom dock, it is important that you get one that has the proper bunk system for your boat. A bunk system is there to guide you onto the lift as you drive your boat towards it, so there is no chance it will be crooked and cause any damage. Adding a canopy to your custom lift or dock can help protect your boat from weathering damage from wind and rain, as well as help with the fading of the boat material from the sun. Canopy drop downs can help you avoid the hassle of putting a snap cover overtop the boat each time you’re done using it.