Do you love to be outdoors? Are you planning a short getaway or extended vacation to engage in your favorite outdoor activities? If so, you may be thinking about hunting, fishing, camping or a combination of all these pastimes.
There are over 38 million people in the United States that enjoy hunting and fishing excursions. Many of these outdoorsmen and women tend to combine these activities with camping.
You’re probably aware that fishing is a popular activity for people of all ages. In fact, over 45.7 million Americans went fishing at least once in 2015. Currently, there are 49.81 million fishermen and anglers, and 10.69 million of these are children and teenagers.
Whether people fish to enjoy quality time alone or with family and friends, there are several locales from which to choose. While beach fishing is popular with many anglers, so, too, is taking fishing charters. If you haven’t been fishing before, you may want to go out a few times with fishing guides to learn some helpful tips.
Approximately 9% of the population is thinking about taking up fishing. The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and the Outdoor Foundation’s 2014 Outdoor Recreation Participation Report both state that 38% of these individuals are doing so in order to relieve stress.
Outdoor activities such as fishing are also a great way to get exercise. The Outdoor Foundation’s report indicates that over 70% of the their survey participants claimed that outdoor activities motivated them to get more exercise. It’s been said time and again that exercise is a great way to relieve stress as well.
In addition to being an educational experience, both beach fishing and fishing charters can make for hours of fun. Then there’s the matter of the fish you might catch. Grouper, redfish, snapper, and trout are just a few that you might hook on your reel.
After you return from fishing for the day, sightseeing, or just relaxing by the water, can also be enjoyable. Now that the weather is becoming warmer, it’s natural to want to spend even more time being outdoors.