Tips for Cleaning Hardwood, Tiled, and Rubber Floors

Did you know that the U.S. floor cleaning industry is worth $4 billion in revenue each year? It’s not surprising, really, considering the various things that get dumped on American floors. There are many reasons why people might avoid their housework. As Ruby Lou Barnhill once said, “A bright person can always think of something…

Three Floor Cleaning Tips Even the King of Pop Could Follow

Michael Jackson may be dead, but his legend lives on — and not always in a good way. One of Neverland’s former maids says that Jackson was one of the filthiest homeowners she ever worked for. The woman, who has only been identified as “Maid No. 1,” told The New York Post that Jackson would…

How Can You Have a Cleaner Fitness Center? Three Tips

You may be surprised to know that your local gym is now reopened. And while that is wonderful news for many people, there are still a lot of concerns about Covid-19 and the cleaning and safety precautions even at the best fitness place in your location. With this said, you can rest in knowing that…

Interested in Bike Fitness? Here’s How to Stay Safe!

It’s no secret that bicycling is great for your health. Biking instead of driving to work can burn an extra 3,000 calories a month, and a 135-pound woman biking at 12-14 miles an hour burns 488 calories in only 60 minutes. Biking isn’t just great for weight loss. Even three hours of rigorous biking a…

What Draws People Into the World of Sports Betting?

Sports betting: it comprises a whopping 13% of all global gambling markets, and big sports events involving multiple countries (like the recent 2014 World Cup) tend to bring sports betting into the limelight. It’s becoming clear that sports betting is popular — even when it is technically illegal — and it appears to be finding…

What Draws People Into the World of Sports Betting?

Sports betting: it comprises a whopping 13% of all global gambling markets, and big sports events involving multiple countries (like the recent 2014 World Cup) tend to bring sports betting into the limelight. It’s becoming clear that sports betting is popular — even when it is technically illegal — and it appears to be finding…

The Three Arguably Most Important Terms for Sports Bettors

If you’re just a casual sports bettor hoping to increase your wins or if you’re looking to delve into the world of sports betting but don’t know where to start, a solid understanding of sports betting depends on knowing and using certain terms. It’s pretty confusing to be taken seriously against a seasoned sports bettor…

Attending a Soccer Camp May Help to Improve Your Game

Soccer is a much more popular sport in America than you may realize. Nearly four million children–and about 13 million United States citizens overall–play the sport in this country. In fact, soccer is actually among the top three team sports in America. If you have children who are serious about improving their skills in the…

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