With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, you may be looking for fun ways to show your love. Giving candy and flowers is a little tired, and not very original. Of course, if your beloved has made a New Years’ resolution to forgo bad eating, that Valentine’s candy can be misconstrued as sabotage.
There are fun ways to show your love that are not only unique but they can deliver the message that you really are paying attention and that you care. Let’s take a look at some ways you can show your love that does not include the customary bad-for-you box of candy.
Why It is Important to Keep Finding Fun Ways to Show Your Love
Divorce attorneys are experts on what it takes to keep a relationship in good standing. One of the most reported reasons for getting a divorce or breaking up is feelings of not be appreciated. Keeping your relationship alive requires that you find fun ways to show your love to remind your partner that while life may be hectic they are still a priority.
It is important that you show your love and stay connected. Doing things together is incredibly important to keeping your relationship alive as is showing your love through gestures and gifts. For example, a couple that enjoys boating together (about 85 million people enjoy recreational boating), has a common ground that they can always build on. The partner that provides thoughtful gifts that expands on that common ground is helping their partner to feel valued and appreciated. Keeping things lively in your relationship means finding fun ways to show your love.
Being Cared For

One of the fun ways to show your love is to show your love how much you care about their well-being. For example, let’s say your loved one has always felt sub-conscious about their smile. A great way to show your love is to cover the cost of orthodontic treatment for adults. Is it a conventional way to show your love? No! Will it be highly appreciated? Yes.
Sometimes the best way to show your love for someone is to provide them with the care that they want that they would never pay for on their own. It is a little off the beaten path to give someone you love braces to show your love, but it is certainly a way to make your beloved feel really cared for.
Showing your love for someone can take the form of fun ways to show your love or on the more serious side, providing them with a solution for a problem they are struggling with. Of course, whether you choose fun ways to show your love or to provide a solution for your loved one really depends on the nature of your relationship.
For example, some people would be thrilled if their loved one provided seawall maintenance and repairs for their home, other people would not. You know your loved ones and what would make them happy. Follow whichever path is going to show your loved one how much you care about them and how well it will be received.
How Do You Decide Which Gift Will Show Your Love?

Finding fun ways to show your love and give unique gifts can be tough. Frankly, going with the standard gifts is the easy way out. If you want to really make a statement about your love, you are going to have to go a little further than the standards.
How do you decide if your loved one would love a new garage door installation or not as a way to show your love? Here are some tips to put you on the right track when deciding fun ways to show your love and other ways to show your love:
- What does your loved one love to do?
- What is your budget like?
- Think outside the box.
If you are looking for fun ways to show your love, you have to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. While the idea of renting travel trailers and heading to the mountains for a getaway maybe your idea of a great time, is it your partner’s idea of a great time? Maybe they are more of “head to the beach” for the weekend type. In other words, you may have to put your own desires on hold to find fun ways to show your love.
Choosing the perfect way to convey your love starts with understanding what your partner or loved one really enjoys doing. Everyone has something that they love to do. Hobbies can be expensive. Fun ways to show your love that help to ease some of the expense of their hobby is a gift that will be very well received.
What does your partner really enjoy doing? Consider making a list of their hobbies to come up with some ideas for fun ways to show your love. For example, if your beloved is an avid gardener, head to the garden center and buy that tool shed they have had their eye on for a while. Grab some pots and plants, and other tools while you are there and fill the shed up with everything they will need to garden this spring and summer.
While buying a garden shed may seem like an awful utilitarian gift, it is one that any gardener would love. Filling it to the brim with all the garden supplies they will need really adds a big punch of fun to the gift.
Maybe your partner is not an avid gardener and they have another hobby that you can parlay into fun ways to show your love. For example, your partner collects coins. Connect with a local coin dealer and consider buying that elusive coin that would complete a collection for them. If investing in a rare coin is outside the budget, you can connect with that dealer to learn about trade shows that are coming up and buy tickets to the show.
If you’re trying to express your love to someone who enjoys the great outdoors, one of the fun ways to show your love is to prepare them for being outdoors. Buy a backpack and fill it with items that would be great to have on hand. A water bottle, small first aid kit, medicine needed for poison ivy, bug repellant spray, and more can all go in the backpack. This type of gift shows how well you know the person and will certainly get used.
If you’ve been having conversations with your loved one about expanding your family, contact adoption services in your area to learn more about fostering or adopting a child together. Of course, this is a really serious commitment so your relationship needs to be well established and you have to know for a fact that you are both ready to bring a child into your life. However, if you’ve had serious discussions before about adopting, contacting services in your area can be just the step you need to take together to get your family started.
Of course, your budget is going to play a role in how extravagant you can get with fun ways to show your love. You may not yet be ready to show your love by committing to expand your family because children require a significant amount of money in the long-term, but there are many simple and inexpensive ways to show your love.
Romance On a Budget

There are fun ways to show your love for free or almost free. Taking a hike with a nicely prepared picnic lunch is a great way to show your love while keeping the costs down. Every state has plenty of free parks that have hiking trails, picnic areas, and more. A free day in the park with a nice picnic lunch is a great option.
Other low-cost ways to show your love and sneak in some fun:
- Pay for the house to be painted. You do not have to go whole home, you can just do the rooms that your love has been complaining about. Want to really amp up the fun, take your loved one on a quick overnight stay and let them return to their newly painted digs.
- Reach out to a custom fabrication service and have repairs done or create something new. Whether it is Aunt Louise’s old wrought iron set that needs repairs, or the heads on an old mustang, a custom fabrication service can help. These services can help you to create the perfect gift that is unique and can’t be bought anywhere else.
- Create a garden. This may take a little prep work but if you buy the materials then send your loved one-off for the day with friends, you can create a great garden space.
Other fun things to show your love can be simple acts of kindness. Get all their laundry done for them, and finish the day off with a great home-cooked meal. Offer to take over some of the errands that need to be done. Bake a sweet treat. The list of things that you can do that is low cost or no cost that can show your love is endless.
Grand gestures are great but so are small gestures that come from the heart. Creating a coupon book on your computer then printing it out can be a free way to show your love. It can include things like “a foot massage” “one week of no dishwashing” and other sweet fun ideas. Sometimes the simple gestures are the ones that really convey your love.
Let’s Do This Together

Sure a gift certificate to the spa is a great gift but what if your gift was something that you could do together? Fun ways to show your love can be something that you can do as a couple. Here are some “out of the box” ideas:
- Go Zip Lining. Zip lining has really picked up some speed when it comes to availability. Even some very small cities have a Zip lining facility nearby. It is a great way to make memories together and test your courage together.
- Take in a play, concert, or a festival together. COVID 19 has kind of put the brakes on most concerts, plays, and festivals, but they will be back. Make plans now to go together.
- Take a class together. Learn something new together. Cooking classes, painting classes, pottery classes, and more can be some of the fun ways to show your love.
If finding the time to spend together is always an issue, then find ways to spend more time together. Careers, kids, and other obligations can leave little time to show your love. When you give a gift that requires that you block out the time to be together you are giving a gift that packs double the whammy.
You can go above and beyond and take a class or participate in an activity that is not necessarily “your thing” but that you know will mean a lot to your loved one. Being selfless in choosing which activity you spend time doing together is a great way to ensure that the experience gets you the results you are hoping for. There are a lot of fun ways to show your love when you really start thinking about it.
Whether you are trying to keep the flame burning or ignite the flame looking for unique ways to express your love is the thing that will move you further toward your goals. It really is not the gift that counts it really is the amount of thought you put into the gift. Think outside the box and create fun ways to show your love and you are guaranteed to get the response that you are hoping for.