The horse riding industry in the United States is worth approximately 112 billion dollars, and for good reason: horse riding isn’t a hobby, it’s a lifestyle, and without proper gear, riding can be dangerous for both the horse and the rider. While tack gear can be expensive, it is important to purchase and use the proper equipment to make every ride a safe ride.
One out of every 63 Americans is involved with horses in some form or another, and as such, they are looking for different types of equipment: if you own and ride horses, you will surely look for everything from horse blankets, saddles, and other tack. If you’re planning on riding in horse shows, you’ll need horseback ridding attire that fits the style you ride in, whether that means English riding jackets and pants or western show shirts. And if you or your child are beginning to learn to ride, you will definitely need horse riding helmets and other horse riding wear to prevent injury and learn the basics of presentation.
But one of the most important pieces of equipment, regardless of the level of your involvement, are riding boots. Boots come in various styles and brands, including Ariat english riding boots and Tredstep boots. Because they’re necessary to ride, boots can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000; for this reason, it is important to find the best riding boots for your style of riding and your budget.
To find any of the equipment mentioned, the best place to visit is a horse riding equipment supply company, whether you go in person or visit a website. A supply company will have a wide variety of horseback riding equipment and apparel, with everything from men’s riding breeches and ladies’ western show shirts to saddlery equipment and winter blankets for horses. They will also have a wide variety of Tredstep boots, Ariat riding boots, and more, at a range of prices. If you’re looking for tack, equipment, or riding attire, visit a horse supply company today.