Americans don’t just like the Great Outdoors; Americans LOVE the Great Outdoors. Not only did the U.S. of A. pioneer the concept of a national park system, but those national parks are some of the modern natural wonders of the world.
From the volcanoes of Hawaii to the icy glaciers of Alaska. From the sweeping vistas of the Grand Canyon to the wind-swept Great Plains. From the mighty Appalachian Trail to the famous Florida Everglades. Precious few Americans realize that our United States feature the most diverse landscape, geography, and climate of any other country on the planet. So it’s no wonder Americans love to spend time camping in the Great Outdoors. But just how much do Americans love to camp?
Let’s break down the numbers:
- Every year, more than 38 million of us will sp end time hunting and fishing, according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife data.
- Last year, 38.05 million people also went hiking.
- Americans love to hike and fish, but our camping needs are increasing as well. Data shows that three million more people went camping in 2012 compared to 2010, with the average camper going on about five trips per year.
- Our camping needs also support the economy. To stock up on all the hiking gear, climbing gear, adventure gear, and camping supplies we need to satisfy our camping needs, American consumers spend at least $1.8 billion a year on the pastime.
- The average hunter will spend $1,638 a year on expenses like shooting ranges, shopping for guns, and buying archery equipment.
- Finally, while fathers are the most likely person to take someone camping for the first time, 70% of all camping trips are taken with friends.
So with our apologies to the fine baseball fans of America, it’s clear that camping is the true All American pastime. Americans love of camping crosses all boundaries, races, ages, and creeds. From glamour campers in luxury resorts (the so-called “glampers”) to dedicated outdoors men and women roughing it along forgotten, unmarked trails in the Teton Mountains, there’s an opportunity for everyone to have their camping needs met.
And with Americans increasingly moving to urban centers, our need to spend time outside is only expected to grow.