If you’re thinking about getting this fun ride from a hoverboard company, you may want to know a bit about them. First of all, it’s important to say that the reason why hoverboards were considered to be unsafe for a while was due to the fake ones coming onto the market from China, according to PC Advisor.
To give you an idea of their popularity, there were 40,000 hoverboards arriving in the United States every day toward the end of 2015. According to PC Advisor, the trend is still alive, and there are new big-brand hoverboards now avalable for sale at hoverboard stores and online.
What is a Hoverboard?
A hoverboard is basicaly a self-balancing electric scooter. It is also referred to as a two-wheeled electronic moving board. While you balance on the hoverboard, you use your feet to control the forward motion. If you’re thinking about buying hoverboards for your children, the recommended age-range for riding one is 12 and older.
Some Basic Hoverboard Specs
Hoverboards weigh over 25 pounds, and can hold up to about 220 pounds of weight, according to PC Advisor. Their top speed is usually 10 miles per hour, and their range is about 12 miles. If your hoverboard goes over 15 miles per hour, however, you won’t be able to ride it in New York City.
For scaling inclines, most hoverboards can handle 5-to-10 degrees. Given their increased torque and power, others may be able to scale 15-degree inclines.
Your hoverboard battery should be charged on a regular basis. It’s recommended that you do so at least once a month, as you don’t want to run out of juice when you’re out enjoying yourself.
If your favorite color is pink. you’re not alone. This color is quite popular, and you can find a pink hoverboard for sale. Another fun trend with hoverboard riders is matching the color of their hoverboard to their car.
When you contact a hoverboard company to learn about hoverboard options, be sure to ask them about the following:
- All terrain hoverboards
- All terrain hoverboard features
- All terrain hoverboard capailities
- Hoverboards with Bluetooth
- Hoverboard technology
- Hoverboard safety tips
- Taking a hoverboard offroad
- Tips for riding a hoverboard
And of course, be sure to ask them about all the available colors!