The practice of martial arts is a good way of not only instilling self-defense skills but also promoting discipline in all spheres of life. For a person who wants to get into martial arts, it helps to understand the different genres. These genres include jiu jitsu, muay thai, kickboxing, Judo among others.
Understanding the core differences between any two styles of martial arts helps one to know where the skills they learn are most applicable. It also helps you to understand which skills each of the genres teach, making it easier for you to decide which best fits your needs.
The following are the differences between two of the most popular genres, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo.
Philosophical and Historical Origins
These two martial art disciplines were developed for two different purposes. Jiu-Jitsu was developed as an art suitable for use by warriors in life and death situations, especially on the battleground.
This warrior tag can also be seen in the ‘Jiu-jitsu’ name. Japanese warriors who learned this martial art were commonly referred to as Jutsus hence the name ‘Jitsu.’ Other variants of Jiu-jitsu have come up over time. One of them being the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or simply BJJ. It emerged as a variant of the original Jiu-Jitsu once hand to hand combat ceased being the central part of warfare.
Judo, on the other hand, is a martial art that leans more towards philosophical, spiritual, and moral attainment. From its very origin, the ultimate purpose of learning judo was personal development or enlightenment.
In philosophical terms, Jiu-Jitsu is intended to conquer the enemy while the practice of Judo is designed to help the practitioner overcome themselves. In light of these definitions, when you pit Jiu Jitsu Vs Judo, in their original forms and intention, you realize that Judo would be a better fit for pacifist.
Physical Differences
The physical attributes of Jiu-Jitsu were well suited for its purpose, which, as mentioned above, was war. The Samurais who used Jiu-Jitsu in their battles are now portrayed in popular culture as phenomenal swordsmen. Their skills, however, went beyond the sword and included skilled unarmed combat. Their unarmed combat skills included kicks, strangulation holds, strikes and throws as well as joint locks.
The strangulation holds, and strikes were intended to quickly disable the opponent while joint locks were meant to tear tendons and ligaments in a limb. This art was not meant to be a sporting activity. In the modern environment, the philosophy of Jiu-jitsu has been maintained, but senseis have moderated the techniques to make them safer and more acceptable. As a result of the moderations, a jiu-jitsu class today is not as brutal as an ancient one would have been.
Judo, on the other hand, is an offshoot of Jiu-jitsu. When you compare a jiu jitsu Vs Judo training environment you begin to see this relationship. However, given that Judo was developed as a peacetime activity, there was a need to eliminate the most lethal aspects of jiu-jitsu. Judo training now emphasizes throwing techniques than any other elements of Jiu-jitsu. In training, a judoka is trained on styles to destabilize the opponent. Trainees also learn ground fighting techniques.
Ground techniques are another difference you notice when you pit jiu Jitsu vs Judo. It is one of Judo’s strong suits. However, there are still some lethal blows in Judo. They are commonly referred to as vital point strikes, but these are only taught at black belt level.
Brazillian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an offshoot of Jiu-jitsu and as the name suggests originated from Brazil. The skillset necessary for BJJ starts with combatants standing, but unlike kickboxing, the ultimate combat takes place on the ground. While the contestants are on the ground, the victorious party is expected to use moves such as chocking and joint locks to immobilize the opponent’s limbs.
With the historical and practical relationship between these two genres of martial arts, it would be interesting to watch a jiu jitsu vs judo match.