Buying a boat for sale is one thing. Buying the right boat for sale is another. Choosing a boat is best done when you’re honest about what you want. After all, one person’s idyllic fishing vessel is going to look a lot different from a family’s vacation boat. The United States has seen a surge…
All posts by Recreation and Sports
Are You Looking for an Adventure for This Year’s Birthday Celebration?
Turning 55 has sort of been a big deal. And while you did not really feel that stressed when you turned 50, this entry into your 55th year has hit you a little harder than you expected. You are still going to work as normal, still completing your four mile run most mornings, but you…
Tips for Using Lighting on Your Boat
A boat is a huge investment, and you want to make it your own. Your boat should stand out, be functional, be a great place for you and your family and friends to hang out, and really reflect your personal style. Adding your own lighting to your boat can be a great way of personalizing…
6 Tips for Those New to Whitewater Rafting
As summer arrives, many families spend time together taking part in outdoor activities. Statistics gathered from 2016 found that 48.6% of people living in the United States participated in at least one type of outdoor activity per year. Another study found that 66% of parents felt that the money spent on outdoor activities was justified…
The Prevalence Of Soccer In The World At Large
Soccer – or football, as it is often called in countries other than the United States – has long been one of the most popular sports the world over. From soccer tours to Costa Rica to soccer in Germany and even soccer in Denmark, nearly every part of the world has found itself devoted to…
Some Unexpected Benefits of Having a Country Club Membership
What do you think of when you hear the words “country club”? Rich old folks gossiping and playing golf? What if it doesn’t have to be like that? We at want to shatter country club stereotypes. We want to show you that the country club membership doesn’t have to be exclusive to rich people. We…
Five Things to Think About When Buying a Boat
You’ve located boat dealers in your area, and you’re looking at boats for sale. You have looked at pontoon boats and other types of fishing boats, as well as personal watercraft, that used boat for sale, and what financing options you can get. What do you do next, and how to make your choice on…
Everything You Need to Know About How Body Armor Works
Every year, according to data from the government, about 60,000 police officers are attacked on the job. The second leading cause of death among law enforcement officers is gunshot wounds, and in 2016 alone 62 officers were killed by firearms while in the line of duty. Thankfully, 71% of all law enforcement departments now require…
5 Important Benefits of Having a Golf Simulator
Nearly 500 years ago, what became known as golf first began in Scotland. Since its invention, golf has become a wildly popular sport and hobby. Many people enjoy playing a round of golf regularly. That being said, certain individuals might find it preferable to enjoy golf without visiting an actual course. If you enjoy playing…
Eliminate Sweaty Hands on the Golf Course With the Right Glove
According to Statistica, nearly 26 million Americans played golf last year. As a game that appeals to players young and old for its combination of skill, savvy and perhaps a bit of luck, golfers are always on the lookout for the next great tool to help them improve their scores. Imagine having to sink a…