Are You Looking Forward to the Active Days of Summer at the Lake?

The paddle slipped away suddenly and silently. As your two daughters laughed and giggled their way through their introduction to the kayak, they inadvertently let the one and only paddle silently sink to the bottom of the lake. The paddle that belonged to your hosts. The host who was your college friend. By the time…

Want to Play Hockey? Put in a Backyard Skating Rink

Participating in sports is a positive activity on multiple levels. In addition to increasing cardiovascular endurance, overall health, and coordination, sports can also provide an opportunity to learn how to be a team player. Sports are also fun, especially when played with friends and family. Every year, there are roughly 36 million children and youth…

Safety Tips for Your Next Dive

Scuba diving is one of the most fun ways to explore nature’s amazing bodies of water. Each year people flock to their own scuba destinations, in order to take in beautiful sights. It can be freeing to put on your scuba diving equipment and get right into the water. Statistics show that, in 2015, 3.27…

Tips for Getting Permission to Hunt on Private Land

Western hunting ranches are some of the best places in the country for big game hunting, but obviously, the land is often privately owned. You can often get permission to use private hunting land, but it takes a little bit of sweet-talking. Here are our best tips for acquiring permission to hunt on someone else’s…

Can Camping Help Improve Your Health?

Whether you’re an experienced camper or have just started hiking, you probably enjoy going on outdoor family trips. But did you know that activities like hiking, camping, and backpacking provide much more than just fun with family and friends? When you’re looking for family vacation ideas on a budget, you should also consider the other…

NASA Discovers New Use For High Speed Photography

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a video yesterday announcing its use of high speed photography to study and document rocket plume. This experiment will allow them to discover and observe minute elements of sending a man to space that are impossible to see with the naked eye and has never before been…

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