Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Wear Coaches Apparel All Day, Everyday

Withh body positivity and personal fitness and exercise programs being more popular than ever, it’s no wonder that fashion has taken a different turn these days. Fashionable isn’t necessarily equated to what’s on the hottest designer runways, but moreso, what’s fashionable and en vogue is now found at the gym or even in the streets…

The Awesome Video Trend Taking Over YouTube and Facebook

While slow motion scenes showed up every once in awhile in old TV shows and movies, the invention of super slow motion cameras has taken this filmmaker’s tool to a whole new level. Not only do movies like The Matrix, the new X-Men, and Every Movie Zack Snyder Ever Made feature killer slow motion scenes,…

What is a Slow Motion Camera and How Does it Work?

Slow motion cameras first came in handy back in 1878 when Edward Muybridge used one to answer the age-old question about a horse?s gallop. Experts wanted to know if there was ever a point at which all four hooves were off the ground at once during a horse?s motion of gallop. The slow motion camera…

How a Single Pin Hole Changed the World Forever

What’s more interesting than watching footage shot from high speed cameras and super slow motion cameras? Camera technology has progressed to the point where it is possible to hide a camera in the head of a pin, but in this age of Youtube and selfies do you know the humble beginnings of photography? It might…

Four Awesome Camping Gear Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

We have almost reached the halfway mark of 2016. As May whizzes by us, we are at the cusp of June. As June approaches, so does Father’s Day. Along with Father’s Day comes that age-old question of what to get the man who has everything. Your father made sacrifices you might not even know about…

How To Make Biking A Part Of Your Daily Life

Once upon a time, it seemed that you couldn’t get anywhere without a car. Traveling by car on a daily basis was something we all took for granted. Cars are, after all, supposedly easier to get around in; cars once held a certain level of association with independence, too. In recent years, however, the world…

Are You Interested in Becoming a Competitive Cheerleader?

The competitive high school cheer programs at many schools have long and established histories. These developmental and competitive programs often consist of of talented, hardworking, and devoted cheerleaders who have often devoted years to their sport. They are exceptional well conditioned athletes who practice several hours a week. These groups are involved in both school…

5 Reasons Not to Mourn the Baby Days

So, it’s time for your babies to pick their extra curricular activities! Your so busy picking out types of youth football equipment or figuring how how to find the right catchers mitt, you haven’t really had a chance to realize how quickly your little ones are growing up. Sure, you’ve Googled ‘how mouthguards help to…

Getting it on Film Capturing Life’s Precious Moments

We as a society are quite enthralled with the idea of capturing moments in time. It may come from a sense of vanity for some, or for others perhaps it stems from a fear of fleeting memory. Some just like the beauty of looking back at a specific moment in time. Whatever the reason, society…

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